LoL API Plugin for Construct 3

Legends of Learning API Integration
This plugin features integration with Legends of Learning API integration for Construct 3, a popular educational platform with hundreds of educational games. The plugin supports C3 runtime only, worker mode, and the advanced minification. C2 Runtime and Construct 2 is not supported and due to Construct 2 will soon be retired, there's no intention on developing a plugin for it.
The plugin not only provides you with API integration, but also with a couple of useful features like multilang text manager using the Get Text expression, automatic highlight using Set Highlight action, an action for injecting your language file to speed up your development using Set Lang From String action, Mute/Unmute LoL voice api, and automatic management of the game progress submission.
Please notice that this plugin is distributed as Freeware, This means the author retains all its copyrights rights, licensing, distribution, and modifications or derivated work from this plugin is prohibited. If you want to know more about the license, please visit the End User License Agreement for it. The EULA is also distributed and embedded within the plugin .c3addon file.
ACEs List in Alphabetic order
Is Game Ready
Returns true if the LoL API has been initialized after calling GameIsReady action.
On Correct Answer
After calling ShowQuestion action, this condition is triggered when the player answers a LoL API question CORRECTLY.
On Error
An error occurred during API calls. Use expression GetError for more details.
On Incorrect Answer
After calling ShowQuestion action, this condition is triggered when the player answers a LoL API question INCORRECTLY.
On Load State
Triggered as callback from LoL API after action Load State is called.
Here you can parse the payload returned and update your game state accordingly.
On Pause
On Resume
LoL API requested to Resume the game. Runtime is automatically resumed.
On Save Completed
Triggered as callback from LoL API after action Save State action is called. If saving fails, then condition On Error will be triggered.
On Start
Triggered when GameFrame reports to the game that it must start. You must call a GameIsReady action to report to the LoL GameFrame that your game is ready to be initialized.
Complete Game
Reports to LOL framework that player has finished the game
Game Is Ready
Report to LoL GameFrame that game is ready to receive data
Load State
Request to LoL API the state saved for the game. If it's successfully retrieved, then On Load State condition is triggered.
Mute LoL Voice
Prevents LoL API from speaking text, it doesn't stop audio playing
Reset Progress
Resets LoL game progress to zero. Usefull for testing your game. This action has no effect on your deployed project, so please don't use it.
Save State
Post and saves to LoL API the game state data
Parameters | Description |
Data | String containing the state; this can also be a strigified JSON. |
Set Highlight Color
Sets the color for highlighted words. To make the highlight work, you must add an key called 'highlight' on your language file, and it should contain a stringified array of strings. GetText expressions will look for every string and add a color code. A string can also be a regular expression string.
Parameters | Description |
Color | Color in hex format #999999 as a string. |
Set Lang From String
Sets the content of the language file from a string (use for testing only). Useful for testing without the LoL Test harness.
Parameters | Description |
Language | Language code. Eg. en, es, fr |
Data | JSON lang file as a String |
Set Max Progress
Sets LoL Maximum game progress step.
Parameters | Description |
Max Progress | Max Progress value to submit (number). |
Show Question
Displays an overlay with a random LoL question.
Speak Text
Speaks a text string using LOL framework voice.
Parameters | Description |
Text Id | This id corresponds to the language file id assigned to the text |
Submit Auto Progress
Submits the game progress to LOL framework and handles the progress step increment automatically. If Max Progress is reached, then no submission will be executed. Max Progress is defaulted to 8 steps. Use SetMaxProgress to modify it.
Submit Game Progress
Parameters | Description |
Progress | Progress value to submit. Max Progress is defaulted to 8 steps. Use SetMaxProgress to modify it. |
Suspend Runtime
Unmute LoL Voice
Enables LoL API to speak text.
Returns the last error registered by the plugin
Returns the maximum progress value expected for the game.
Returns the payload received from the LoL API as a string
Returns the current game progress.
Reads a string from the JSON language file
Parameters | Description |
Text ID | This id corresponds to the language file id assigned to the text. |
Returns the state data retrieved from LoL API
Reads a string from the JSON language file and applies the highlight
Parameters | Description |
Text ID | This id corresponds to the language file id assigned to the text. |

Deprecated Features
The following ACEs had been deprecated in this plugin.
Report Loading Progress (Deprecated)
Reports game loading progress to LOL framework
Parameters | Description |
Progress | Loading Progress value to submit to LoL Framework |
For Each Alternative (Deprecated)
Loops every alternative available for the indicated QuestionIndex and updates the AlternativeIndex index-value. Use QuestionIndex in conjunction with AlternativeIndex expression to read specific fields of the alternative.
Parameters | Description |
Index | Question zero-based Index |
For Each Question (Deprecated)
Loops every question available and updates the QuestionIndex index-value. Use QuestionIndex expression to read specific questions fields.
Is Alternative Correct (Deprecated)
Tests wheter the indicated Alternative for the given Question is correct
Parameters | Description |
Index | Question zero-based Index |
Alternative Index | Alternative zero-based Index |
On Questions Ready (Deprecated)
Triggered after LoL GameFrame sends the questions back to your game.
AlternativeIndex (Deprecated)
While looping using For Each Alternative, returns the Alternative zero-based index for the question at QuestionIndex.
GetAlternativeChoiceNum (Deprecated)
Returns the alternative (answer) choice number for the question at QuestionIndex. This is the sequenced number LoL API assigns, it is NOT the zero-based index.
GetAlternativeId (Deprecated)
Returns the alternative (answer) unique ID for the question at QuestionIndex.
Parameters | Description |
Index | Alternative Index |
GetAlternativeText (Deprecated)
Returns the alternative (answer) text for the question at QuestionIndex
Parameters | Description |
Index | Alternative Index |
GetQuestionCorrectAltId (Deprecated)
Returns the unique Id of the correct alternative for the given question
Parameters | Description |
Question Index | Question zero-based Index |
GetQuestionCount (Deprecated)
Returns the number of questions retrieved from LoL API
GetQuestionId (Deprecated)
Returns the question unique Id
Parameters | Description |
Question Index | Question zero-based Index |
GetQuestionImageURL (Deprecated)
Returns a string containing the Image URL for the question. May return an empty string when there's no URL available.
Parameters | Description |
Question Index | Question zero-based Index |
GetQuestionStem (Deprecated)
Returns the question text.
Parameters | Description |
Question Index | Question zero-based Index |