Bean Tarts

The naïve bean president of the legumes nation has mistakenly thrown pies against the world leaders. Use additions and subtractions to defend from your opponents in bakery dispute and restore world peace. The game features six chapters in story mode to learn and reinforce subtractions and additions concepts. In story mode, the game teaches you to complete the operations by counting beans on the screen, in our so-called Bean Algorithm. If you're already familiar with the story mode, then you can jump right into practicing operations in the practice mode, and prepare your kids for an assessment. Collect all the medals by completing the key tasks in the game, and brag about it for being the best.
Game ETA
20-25 min
Learning Objective Standards (US)
The game covers the following topics, aligned with the US educational standards.
Id | Topic | Covered |
mc_4.NBT.B.4_1 | Place value in base ten groups numbers in bundles of 10’s with each place value being 10 of the prior unit. (10 ones = 1 ten, 10 tens = 1 hundred etc) | ✓ |
mc_4.NBT.B.4_2 | While moving to the right across the places in a number the digits represent smaller units. | ✓ |
mc_4.NBT.B.4_3 | Position the unknown quantity on the left and right side of the equal sign. | ✓ |
mc_4.NBT.B.4_4 | Use written methods without concrete models. | X |
mc_4.NBT.B.4_5 | Use algorithms for addition and subtraction that allow for scholars to regroup place value when necessary. | ✓ |
mc_4.NBT.B.4_7 | Standard algorithms for addition and subtraction are based on decomposing numbers written in base-ten notation; this reduces addition or subtraction of two multi-digit whole numbers to a collection of single-digit computations of place-value units. | ✓ |
mc_4.NBT.B.4_8 | For subtraction, students need to evaluate whether ungrouping and regrouping is necessary. Students may either treat each place value column separately and ungroup and subtract before moving on. | ✓ |
mc_4.NBT.B.4_9 | For subtraction you can also check all potential ungroupings first and then perform all the subtractions. | ✓ |
Start by learning the concepts of additions and subtractions, learn how to add and subtract from one-digit and up to four-digit operations, carry and borrow digits from the different value positions, defend your nation from the attackers in a bakery battle, and finally restore world peace by using the napkin of peace. Each minigame is a guided activity that will explicitly instruct you in the game mechanics and activities.
- Title Screen
- Fun Intro & Plot
- Thrilling
- Achievement System
- Addition and Subtraction Concept Lecture
- Comprehhension Activities
- Comedic Plot Twist
- Addition Lecture
- Single Digit Lecture
- Two Digits Lecture
- Subtraction Lecture
- Carry Lecture
- Borrow Lecture
- Thrilling Again
- Four Digit Assessment
- Gameplay Cinematic
- Gameplay Cinematic