Author: admin

Dream it, build it!

Advanced Camera

Advanced camera plugin for Construct 3 This plugin is currently in development, and will soon be published for purchasing it on multiple asset stores like itchio and construct asset store, follow our social networks for more information. Advanced Camera is a 2D plugin that creates a complex pre-programmed camera for you. This plugin simplifies and…
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Interesting GameDev Links

A bunch of interesting GameDev related articles I have found over the years. Name Topic Link Constraints Physics algoritms $1 Unistroke Recognizer Gesture Recognition Machinations Game Economy Desinger tool Hemingway Editor Storytelling clarity-revision tool Game Programming Design Patterns Book 3D Game Math Book Browserify Tool to Bundle Node.js apps…
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Finite State Machine Plugin and Behavior

Finite State Machine Plugin Finite State Machine Global Plugin for C3 allows you to create and manage global game states to better structure your game events and overall flow. By implementing Game States you add another layer of control to your game flow, and you can group events to happen only while the specified Game…
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Parabolic Tween Behavior

Parabolic Tween The parabolic tween behavior allows you to build parabolic trajectories easily. You can either set a parabola by a given point in space, or you can throw a projectile in a parabolic target by an angle and a force. This is useful in many use cases, for instance, in a 2D isometric game…
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Google Analytics 4 Plugin

Google Analytics 4 by Pixel Perfect Studio Google Analytics 4 Google Analytics 4 plugin for Construct 3 allows you to track your game visits and events in the Google Analytics console. The plugin uses an external-dependency file that you should consider. The GA4 service requires the Google API located at, therefore the plugin always…
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Antisuspend Plugin

Antisuspend Plugin for Construct 3 by Pixel Perfect Studio Antisuspend Plugin for C3 Antisuspend plugin prevents the C3 runtime from suspending the game when window loses focus. This is functional for idle games, it will allow your game to remain active while the player has other browser tabs active. Due to the characteristics of the…
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LoL API Plugin for Construct 3

Legends of Learning API Plugin for Construct 3 by Pixel Perfect Studio Legends of Learning API Integration This plugin features integration with Legends of Learning API integration for Construct 3, a popular educational platform with hundreds of educational games. The plugin supports C3 runtime only, worker mode, and the advanced minification. C2 Runtime and Construct…
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End-User License Agreement (EULA) of Legends of Learning API Plugin for Construct 3

End-User License Agreement (EULA) of Legends of Learning API Plugin for Construct 3 This End-User License Agreement (“EULA”) is a legal agreement between you and Angel Hernando Hernandez Rivera This EULA agreement governs your acquisition and use of our Legends of Learning API Plugin for Construct 3 software (“Software”) directly from Angel Hernando Hernandez Rivera…
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Enchanted Portals ¿Plagio o Tributo?

En las últimas semanas se ha desatado la polémica sobre Enchanted Portals, el próximo título a lanzar por el estudio de origen español Xixo Game Studio. Estos chicos se arriesgaron a realizar algo a lo que muy pocos estudios se atreverían, sin embargo no obraron en ningún momento de mala fe, o al menos eso…
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Derechos de Autor para Videojuegos en México

En nuestra sección de hoy de Game Design, hablaremos un poco sobre los derechos de autor y su importancia. Como desarrollador independiente, es vital que conozcas tus derechos y a qué obligaciones legales estas sujeto cuando firmas un contrato. Por fortuna la ley en México busca favorecer siempre al autor, inclusive en situaciones de ambigüedad…
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