Tag: addons

Dream it, build it!

Smart UI Launch – February 21st, 2025

Newsletter It has been a long journey since I decided to create a UI framework for Construct 3. For the past eight months, I’ve been working hard on a set of components that are flexible, reliable, and easy to use. But most importantly, they are designed to have a long lifespan, ensuring they remain functional…
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Smart UI Progress Bar Behavior

Progress Bar Smart UI Progress Bar behavior handles progress bar UI components. It provides built-in animations and triggers to handle value changes. The component relies on its width. If you use it as part of a hierarcy, you must add it to an object using a Smart UI Container behavior to be rendered correctly, since…
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Smart UI Button Behavior

Smart UI Button Behavior Smart UI Button behavior covers all the basic functionality of a Push Button, handles event animations, provides built-in animations and easings, and triggers user event interactions. Properties Property Description Enabled Enables or Disables the button. Index Index of the element within a container. Used for focusing the elements in the sequence…
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Smart UI is a framework and a set of addons developed with the purpose to simplify the UI design and build in the game engine Construct 3.

About Smart UI is a framework and a set of addons developed with the purpose to simplify the UI design and build in the game engine Construct 3. The framework is still in development but has already reach a stage where the addons and the design components are fully usable to create functional UI’s.